Solution Proposal: Issuance of bond-type tokens that guarantee rewards

Please understand the overall context of the proposed solution rather than the detailed specifics as it is a community member’s suggestion.

If it’s impossible to cover the hacked $STX, issue a token as proof of compensation, similar to an NFT, and propose a phased compensation plan. For example, implement a system where compensation is gradually provided as the lockup periods expire over time.The ALEX team should provide detailed specifics.

Within this framework, the solution could be developed through swap fees, interest from staked STX, additional investments, or other means. In other words, issue a token that entitles holders to receive the principal plus interest, and allow this token to be traded. This would not only distribute the risk and mitigate the total damage but could also attract a premium if used for liquidity in other dApps (although there is a risk that the full amount may not be repaid, this solution should be proposed by the ALEX team).


This proposal has been used as reference in this 𝕏 post:

SEE: Proposal Category 2: Issue 1-1 Pegged Synthetic Assets to Add into Liquidity Pools | Proposal 2.2: Synthetic USDC or Bond Structure (28 million USDC)