General governance topics and discussions related to ALEX Foundation.
If you are unsure where your discussion should be categorized, please create the Discussion or Post within General and use the ‘General’ category tag before posting.
This forum is dedicated to discussions on ALEX Lab Foundation governance. Relevant topics include:
Governance Proposals
Proposal Discussions
Ecosystem Change Proposal
Site Feedback
IDO Project Listing Discussion
This is not the place for:
ALEX price discussion
Generic ALEX discussion
Shilling tokens
ALEX support requests
Off-topic conversations
If you need help or want a place for more general discussion, visit the official ALEX Discord community.
If your post does not meet the above requirement, the forum moderator will delete the post.
Any time you can create your own topic and post it into general discussion or goverin forum. Yau may also need to read Alex lab guidelines before posting any topic
etkilendim ve iyi ekibin sunduğu özellikleri beğendim, bir kullanıcı olarak bu projenin beklenen noktaya birlikte ulaşabileceği konusunda kendimi çok rahat ve güvende hissediyorum!
The Governance site’s UI is not very friendly. It took me over 30 minutes to get the place to add comments.